24th February 2020
Why pressure is a good thing
If you’re anything like me, then you feel slightly stressed, tired, stretched and at the limits of your life. Welcome to being a vaguely useful human being. Or adulting as the kids call it nowadays.
The pressures of life can weigh us down, keep us stuck in one place and make life truly miserable at times. However, I have come with alternative news in this blog post. I really do believe that pressure is a gift.
14th January 2020
How to be less annoying (and make people like you)
Let’s be honest. We’re all slightly annoying from time to time. It’s part of the wonderful complexity of what it means to be human. But certainly some are more annoying than others. Why is that the case and is it possible to change how others perceive you?
Who wouldn’t want to be more likeable, appreciated and all round better person in the room?
Social skills are one of the great mysteries of life for many of us. Without them, even the most talented will limit their future because life comprises ultimately of relationships. So can they be developed? And why is that that we’re generally fairly awkward talking about such things?
2nd January 2020
A no-nonsense guide to becoming less anxious
I’ve been thinking a lot about how we talk about mental health as a society. Whilst there have been great moves in creating an environment of openness where people can talk about what they’re facing rather than burying their feelings, it also feels like no one is talking about some of the basics of recovery. I would call it personal responsibility.
If those words are triggering to you, then I suggest not reading further.
27th December 2019
10 books that changed the game in the last decade
2019 has been a busy yet good year and one full of many mini lessons to learn. One of the qualities of those who succeed is a desire to learn and I am always trying to keep myself personally sharp and fruitful.
Here are twelve of my top thoughts and takeaways I picked up this year along the way in life and leadership.
20th December 2019
12 mini lessons I learnt in 2019
2019 has been a busy yet good year and one full of many mini lessons to learn. One of the qualities of those who succeed is a desire to learn and I am always trying to keep myself personally sharp and fruitful.
Here are twelve of my top thoughts and takeaways I picked up this year along the way in life and leadership.